After 20 minutes
Pulse rate returns to normal. Contrary to common belief you will feel less stressed! Use NRT to tackle the cravings which can be perceived as stress.
After 8 hours
Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by more than half and oxygen levels return to normal.
After 48 hours
Carbon monoxide and nicotine levels will return to normal. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris. Ability to taste and smell is improved.
After 72 hours
Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.
After 2-12 weeks
Your circulation improves. No more cold hands and feet.
After 3-9 months
Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function increases by up to 10%.
After 1 year
Risk of heart disease is about half compared with a person who is still smoking.
After 10 years
Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.
After 15 years
Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.