Stop Smoking

Stop Smoking

Many smokers who want to quit aren’t sure where to turn, but getting advice and support from our friendly expert team will mean you are up to 4 times more likely to quit for good!

Remember, it’s never too late to stop, even if you’ve been diagnosed with a serious respiratory disease, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Stopping smoking significantly reduces risks to your health and will stop the disease getting worse.


Helping you to quit...

The Benefits Of Quitting

After 20 minutes

Pulse rate returns to normal. Contrary to common belief you will feel less stressed! Use NRT to tackle the cravings which can be perceived as stress.

After 8 hours

Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by more than half and oxygen levels return to normal.  

After 48 hours

Carbon monoxide and nicotine levels will return to normal. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris. Ability to taste and smell is improved.  

After 72 hours

Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase. 

After 2-12 weeks

Your circulation improves. No more cold hands and feet.

After 3-9 months

Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function increases by up to 10%. 

After 1 year

Risk of heart disease is about half compared with a person who is still smoking.

After 10 years   

Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.

After 15 years

Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked. 

Worries About Quitting

Worried about managing stress, weight, boredom or socialising without a cigarette?

Our advisers can help!

As part of your course with us, we will work with you to identify barriers and solutions to any reason that makes stopping smoking difficult for you

Smoking And Stress

A common fear is that when stopping smoking you may struggle to manage stress.

-When craving a cigarette you may experience anxiety similar to that of stress. After smoking for a long period of time you begin to associate smoking with stress relief.

-Smoking causes many chemical reactions within your body. When smoking you receive nicotine, causing a release of dopamine (the body’s natural reward drug). When combined with a sudden influx of Carbon Monoxide this can give you a fast sense of relaxation. This feeling however is short lived.

Smoking can raise your blood pressure and cause other health risks. Using smoking to self-medicate stress can lead to further cigarette withdrawal symptoms and feelings of anxiety. On top of this, smoking does not deal with the underlying cause of other sources of stress.

Smoking During Pregnancy: FAQs

The Benefits Of Quitting

After 20 minutes

Pulse rate returns to normal. Contrary to common belief you will feel less stressed! Use NRT to tackle the cravings which can be perceived as stress.

After 8 hours

Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by more than half and oxygen levels return to normal.  

After 48 hours

Carbon monoxide and nicotine levels will return to normal. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris. Ability to taste and smell is improved.  

After 72 hours

Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase. 

After 2-12 weeks

Your circulation improves. No more cold hands and feet.

After 3-9 months

Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function increases by up to 10%. 

After 1 year

Risk of heart disease is about half compared with a person who is still smoking.

After 10 years   

Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.

After 15 years

Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked. 

Worries About Quitting

Worried about managing stress, weight, boredom or socialising without a cigarette?

Our advisers can help!

As part of your course with us, we will work with you to identify barriers and solutions to any reason that makes stopping smoking difficult for you

Smoking And Stress

A common fear is that when stopping smoking you may struggle to manage stress.

-When craving a cigarette you may experience anxiety similar to that of stress. After smoking for a long period of time you begin to associate smoking with stress relief.

-Smoking causes many chemical reactions within your body. When smoking you receive nicotine, causing a release of dopamine (the body’s natural reward drug). When combined with a sudden influx of Carbon Monoxide this can give you a fast sense of relaxation. This feeling however is short lived.

Smoking can raise your blood pressure and cause other health risks. Using smoking to self-medicate stress can lead to further cigarette withdrawal symptoms and feelings of anxiety. On top of this, smoking does not deal with the underlying cause of other sources of stress.

T: | E: | Opening Times: 8am-8pm

Service Information

What Does The Service Offer

The service offers a free programme offering a maximum prescription of either 12 weeks Champix medication OR 8 weeks Zyban medication and nicotine replacement products as appropriate.

Your stop smoking adviser will support your attempt to quit for up to 6 sessions, on either a one-to-one community based programme, via telephone support or through our stop smoking app. For more information contact the Essex Lifestyle service.

Your advisor will offer behavioural and motivational support throughout the process and they will assist you to reduce your reliance on the medication using a “weaning off” process.

For more information contact the Essex Lifestyle service or download the smoking application.

Who Is The Service For

The programme is for anyone who is registered with a GP in Essex, with the exception of Thurrock and Southend areas. For these areas please see the links section.

Opening Times

Clinics are run during the day, in the evening and on Saturdays.


Are other treatments available?

There is a prescription medication called Champix. This was developed to help people stop smoking and is available subject to eligibility at many GP practices and participating pharmacies. 

Can I use an e-cig/vape to stop smoking? 

These products are not yet regulated or licenced as medications therefore we cannot recommend their use or supply them however Public Health England released an independent review that concluded e-cigs are at best estimate around 95% safer than conventional cigarettes. We will offer you support in stopping smoking if you choose to use an e-cig/vape knowing the above and this can be in combination with NRT subject to assessment with our adviser.  

How do I manage stress without a cigarette?

We recognise that if you are dependent on Nicotine, abstaining may bring on stress. Using stop smoking medications can help with this. Furthermore coping strategies are discussed at sessions with your adviser in order to strengthen your self-management during difficult times. 

How frequenty will I attend?

This will depend on your lifestyle needs, we will agree this at your assessment.

How old do you need to be to use NRT?

Any smoker aged 12 and above can use NRT. 

Is this service suitable for me?

If you are ready to make changes to your lifestyle and commit to reaching your goals then absolutely! If more specialised support is needed we can signpost you into the relevant service. 

What is NRT?

NRT is short for Nicotine Replacement Therapy. It is a medically-approved way to take nicotine by means other than tobacco. It is used to help with quitting smoking. 

What is the difference between using NRT and smoking?

Through smoking you inhale Nicotine and around 4,000 other chemicals - of these 69 are known to cause cancer. When using NRT instead of smoking, your body receives just clean Nicotine without the unwanted extra chemicals (carbon monoxide, arsenic, acetic acid etc).

Where and when are sessions?

Sessions are held across Essex Monday – Saturday at various times in accessible and safe community venues. Telephone, text and email support are available too.

Will I have to pay for these services?

Our services are free but medications issued are subject to a prescription charge unless you are eligible for free prescriptions.

Will I put on weight if I stop smoking?

When you stop smoking there is likely to be a change in your metabolism. This is due to the way smoking effects your body’s absorption of nutrients and water. Your adviser can work with you on this throughout your treatment.

Sign Up To The Service

Friends & Family Test

Please share your experience of our service by completing this simple Friends & Family Test (FFT).

To take the FFT click here

If you would like more details on the Friends and Family Test visit our main site here.

Useful Links

To find out more about the Stop Smoking Service available for Southend click here

To find out more about the Stop Smoking Service available for Thurrock click here

The NHS Smokefree website provides free support that will help you to stop smoking, go their website by clicking here.  

What Does The Service Offer

The service offers a free programme offering a maximum prescription of either 12 weeks Champix medication OR 8 weeks Zyban medication and nicotine replacement products as appropriate.

Your stop smoking adviser will support your attempt to quit for up to 6 sessions, on either a one-to-one community based programme, via telephone support or through our stop smoking app. For more information contact the Essex Lifestyle service.

Your advisor will offer behavioural and motivational support throughout the process and they will assist you to reduce your reliance on the medication using a “weaning off” process.

For more information contact the Essex Lifestyle service or download the smoking application.

Who Is The Service For

The programme is for anyone who is registered with a GP in Essex, with the exception of Thurrock and Southend areas. For these areas please see the links section.

Opening Times

Clinics are run during the day, in the evening and on Saturdays.


Are other treatments available?

There is a prescription medication called Champix. This was developed to help people stop smoking and is available subject to eligibility at many GP practices and participating pharmacies. 

Can I use an e-cig/vape to stop smoking? 

These products are not yet regulated or licenced as medications therefore we cannot recommend their use or supply them however Public Health England released an independent review that concluded e-cigs are at best estimate around 95% safer than conventional cigarettes. We will offer you support in stopping smoking if you choose to use an e-cig/vape knowing the above and this can be in combination with NRT subject to assessment with our adviser.  

How do I manage stress without a cigarette?

We recognise that if you are dependent on Nicotine, abstaining may bring on stress. Using stop smoking medications can help with this. Furthermore coping strategies are discussed at sessions with your adviser in order to strengthen your self-management during difficult times. 

How frequenty will I attend?

This will depend on your lifestyle needs, we will agree this at your assessment.

How old do you need to be to use NRT?

Any smoker aged 12 and above can use NRT. 

Is this service suitable for me?

If you are ready to make changes to your lifestyle and commit to reaching your goals then absolutely! If more specialised support is needed we can signpost you into the relevant service. 

What is NRT?

NRT is short for Nicotine Replacement Therapy. It is a medically-approved way to take nicotine by means other than tobacco. It is used to help with quitting smoking. 

What is the difference between using NRT and smoking?

Through smoking you inhale Nicotine and around 4,000 other chemicals - of these 69 are known to cause cancer. When using NRT instead of smoking, your body receives just clean Nicotine without the unwanted extra chemicals (carbon monoxide, arsenic, acetic acid etc).

Where and when are sessions?

Sessions are held across Essex Monday – Saturday at various times in accessible and safe community venues. Telephone, text and email support are available too.

Will I have to pay for these services?

Our services are free but medications issued are subject to a prescription charge unless you are eligible for free prescriptions.

Will I put on weight if I stop smoking?

When you stop smoking there is likely to be a change in your metabolism. This is due to the way smoking effects your body’s absorption of nutrients and water. Your adviser can work with you on this throughout your treatment.

Sign Up To The Service

Friends & Family Test

Please share your experience of our service by completing this simple Friends & Family Test (FFT).

To take the FFT click here

If you would like more details on the Friends and Family Test visit our main site here.

Useful Links

To find out more about the Stop Smoking Service available for Southend click here

To find out more about the Stop Smoking Service available for Thurrock click here

The NHS Smokefree website provides free support that will help you to stop smoking, go their website by clicking here.  

Service Stats

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