Workplace Health

Workplace Health

This free programme delivers health promotion advice and support services to small, medium and large workplaces in the private, public and voluntary sectors across Essex.

We will work with your organisation to promote and foster an environment of health and wellbeing.  We will train your staff to become Workplace Health Champions who will deliver a range of healthy lifestyle programmes and activities. 

We work in partnership with a wide range of local employers and business support agencies including:  local Councils, Hospital Trusts, Community Health Providers, Walking for Health, the British Heart Foundation, Diabetes groups and MacMillan Cancer Care, Active Essex and Living Safe and Well Board.

Workplace Health In Detail...

What Does The Service Offer

Employees are more likely to make healthier choices if their workplace enables and supports improved health and well-being. A motivated and healthy workforce is more likely to perform well.

Employees and employers can benefit through improved moral, reduced absenteeism and presenteeism, improved job retention and increased productivity. Well designed, wellness programmes can increase employee job satisfaction and reduce staff turnover by between 10%-25% (PWC 2008)

The cost of working days lost and worklessness is over 100billion to the economy with 140-150 million working days lost each year. (Black, 2008)

Other benefits can include:

  • Good management/employee relations
  • Improved corporate image in the community

We use a simple, structured way to establish an organisations strengths and weaknesses in terms of health and wellbeing, and identify ways to empower the staff to make small changes.

Any size of organisation can take part, and small businesses who wouldn’t normally consider that they have the capacity to undertake such work will be assisted to use introduce steps to make lifestyle changes for their staff.

Who Is It The Service For

Organisations in Essex.

Workplace Awards

Many of our companies have used the Working Well programme as evidence for a number of Workplace awards:

  • Visteon – winners of the Active Essex Workplace Award 2014 and 2015
  • Provide and Mid Essex Hospital Trust – Runners up for Active Essex Workplace Award
  • Provide – shortlisted for the Nursing Times Excellence in Wellbeing Award
  • Greenfields recognised 56th place in the Sunday Times 100 list of Best Not for Profit Organisations to Work For in 2013, Runner up for a special Wellbeing Award – the Best Organisations in the Not For Profit sector for Wellbeing initiatives in the workplace and Mindful Employer

Active Essex

Essex Working Well works in partnership with Active Essex and the on-line Workplace Activity Challenge.  We organise a number of inter-company sports tournaments including:  Badminton, Football and Cricket.  Add link for Active Essex Workplace challenge

How to Join

It takes just 5 simple steps:

  1. Sign a Letter of Communication that sets out what each party will provide. This is normally for a minimum of 2 years.
  2. Complete a Workplace Needs Assessment
  3. Complete a confidential on-line staff survey, which identifies potential Workplace Health Champions and the types of programmes to set up
  4. 2 day training, will be a mixture of classroom and on-line training:. Day 1: Introduction to Health Improvement, Behaviour Change and Making Every Contact Count. Day 2 (usually 1 week later) Workplace Health Champion Planning Day. At the end of the training your organisation will have a 12 month programme with 4 key themes/events. These typically include: physical activity, healthy eating, stress and stop smoking
  5. Regular meetings/support and evaluations of the programme.


FAQs will appear here soon

Answers to question above will appear here

Online Enquiry

Friends & Family Test

Please share your experience of our service by completing this simple Friends & Family Test (FFT).

To take the FFT click here

If you would like more details on the Friends and Family Test visit our main site here.

Useful Links

The British Heart Foundation have published an excellent set of INFOGRAPHICS that can be used to present the statistics supporting the business case for health at work. This can be found and downloaded here

What Does The Service Offer

Employees are more likely to make healthier choices if their workplace enables and supports improved health and well-being. A motivated and healthy workforce is more likely to perform well.

Employees and employers can benefit through improved moral, reduced absenteeism and presenteeism, improved job retention and increased productivity. Well designed, wellness programmes can increase employee job satisfaction and reduce staff turnover by between 10%-25% (PWC 2008)

The cost of working days lost and worklessness is over 100billion to the economy with 140-150 million working days lost each year. (Black, 2008)

Other benefits can include:

  • Good management/employee relations
  • Improved corporate image in the community

We use a simple, structured way to establish an organisations strengths and weaknesses in terms of health and wellbeing, and identify ways to empower the staff to make small changes.

Any size of organisation can take part, and small businesses who wouldn’t normally consider that they have the capacity to undertake such work will be assisted to use introduce steps to make lifestyle changes for their staff.

Who Is It The Service For

Organisations in Essex.

Workplace Awards

Many of our companies have used the Working Well programme as evidence for a number of Workplace awards:

  • Visteon – winners of the Active Essex Workplace Award 2014 and 2015
  • Provide and Mid Essex Hospital Trust – Runners up for Active Essex Workplace Award
  • Provide – shortlisted for the Nursing Times Excellence in Wellbeing Award
  • Greenfields recognised 56th place in the Sunday Times 100 list of Best Not for Profit Organisations to Work For in 2013, Runner up for a special Wellbeing Award – the Best Organisations in the Not For Profit sector for Wellbeing initiatives in the workplace and Mindful Employer

Active Essex

Essex Working Well works in partnership with Active Essex and the on-line Workplace Activity Challenge.  We organise a number of inter-company sports tournaments including:  Badminton, Football and Cricket.  Add link for Active Essex Workplace challenge

How to Join

It takes just 5 simple steps:

  1. Sign a Letter of Communication that sets out what each party will provide. This is normally for a minimum of 2 years.
  2. Complete a Workplace Needs Assessment
  3. Complete a confidential on-line staff survey, which identifies potential Workplace Health Champions and the types of programmes to set up
  4. 2 day training, will be a mixture of classroom and on-line training:. Day 1: Introduction to Health Improvement, Behaviour Change and Making Every Contact Count. Day 2 (usually 1 week later) Workplace Health Champion Planning Day. At the end of the training your organisation will have a 12 month programme with 4 key themes/events. These typically include: physical activity, healthy eating, stress and stop smoking
  5. Regular meetings/support and evaluations of the programme.


FAQs will appear here soon

Answers to question above will appear here

Online Enquiry

Friends & Family Test

Please share your experience of our service by completing this simple Friends & Family Test (FFT).

To take the FFT click here

If you would like more details on the Friends and Family Test visit our main site here.

Useful Links

The British Heart Foundation have published an excellent set of INFOGRAPHICS that can be used to present the statistics supporting the business case for health at work. This can be found and downloaded here

Call us on: or email us on:

What You Say About This Service

  • I really enjoyed the yoga session, I find it so relaxing and I would definitely like to attend at lunchtime or after work – Take a lunch break week (CHP)
    Benny H
  • Useful to understand underlying issues/diet/lifestyle etc and that you have an impact on your mental health – Chelmsford City Council (Stress Management workshop)

    Colin R
  • the person made the course interesting and had lots of enthusiasm – Stress Management programme (Greenfields)

    Danny C
  • Excellent all round :0) – WHC training (Ringway Jacobs)

    David T
  • Less stress, lost weight, more energy – Pedometer Challenge (St Francis Primary)
    Donny O
  • Have lost a few pounds, aware to drink more water, awareness of diet, good team spirit – healthy eating course (Greenfields)

    Elizabeth P
  • This is a very good training and will help to promote staff health at work – WHC training (THERA)

  • I thought Sarah who took the session was excellent, really enjoyed the session, and was amazed at how quickly we managed to sing a song that quickly – Lunchtime Choir Session (Provide)
    Gary F
  • I would recommend this, hugely enjoyable – Laughter Yoga Session (Maldon District Council)
    Gerald C
  • Learning new exercises – Builders Back and Knee workshop (Denne Construction)
    Harry K
  • Fantastic I think everyone should attend one! – Resilience Management course (IFDS)
    Jay J
  • Gave me the motivation to do something about my weight, before I struggled! - Lifestyle course (IFDS)
    Kevin B
  • Excellent - thank you – Chelmsford City Council (Stress Management Workshop)
    Kevin J
  • It was a brilliant day from start to finish – a good way to develop team building skills, get to know colleagues, self challenge and appreciate God’s gifts of nature and its elements! – Health and Wellbeing Day (St John Payne School)
    Mary D
  • Very useful.  I will be encouraging my team leaders to attend the course – Resilience Management course (IFDS)

    Paul K
  • Yes - good course all round – Healthy Eating Course (Braintree District Council)
    Ronny W
  • A chance to meet new people. I felt much more energised in the afternoon, the choirmaster was very experienced – Take a lunch break week (CHP)

    Simon Y

Service Stats

T: | E: | Opening Times: 8am-8pm

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